CoilWedge System
KLP® CoilWedge System combines advantages of both RollStops and Storageblocks. It offers the same flexibility as the RollStop System for coil diameters and at the same time maximum flexibility for all coil widths, similar to the Storageblocks and traditional Coilwedges. The long wedged beams offer safe and flexible storage for wide coils and also for narrower or even (bundled) slit coils.
Coilwedges are placed on the same rails as used for the RollStops. This interlocking system consists of a reinforced rail with notches to position the KLP® CoilWedges on. Distances between the CoilWedges may vary depending on coil diameter. One size fits all! Our standard CoilWedges come in 1200 mm or 1500 mm lengths.
It is a turn-key storage system offering maximum flexibility and maximum safety. Coils may be stored up to two levels. The system consists of four simple components: rail, connector, endcap and CoilWedge, which allows very simple installation on-site.
Why use KLP® CoilWedge System in your warehouse?
- One supplier for the complete system (turn-key)
- No steel profiles needed
- No special installation equipment needed
- Fast and easy installation - two men can do the job
- Easy two level stacking
- Full support for sensitive material
- Flexible for coil diameter and width
- Improved safety for personnel
- Less damage to your precious coils
- Splinter proof
- Long life time
- Enormous load bearing capacity
- No oil absorption
Product brochure KLP® CoilWedge System

Click here to download the brochure KLP® CoilWedge System.
CoilWedge brochure
Click here for more pictures of projects with the KLP® CoilWedge System.
Coil Wedge gallery