Coil Carrier Connect
The KLP® Coil Carrier Connect has been developed by Tata Steel Holland, P.T.C. Logistics and Lankhorst Mouldings. P.T.C. transports coils for Tata Steel with river barges, using the vast Dutch and Western European river network. They carry coils from Tata Steel works to customers, whereas the return ship concerns other cargo (like bulk products). Therefore P.T.C. was looking for a sustainable coil storage system that can easily be installed and removed from the ship’s cargo bay, replacing their old-fashioned wooden chocks.
Since coils are not double stacked inside river barges, we took our existing KLP® Storageblock 100 x 80 as a reference. The 15 degree slope proved high enough (on rivers) to hold the coils when the ship is rolling. Next step was making the product longer for faster installation and, because of the weight, accessible to forklifts.
The final design consists of 4 plastic sections which are joined together by 2 metal c-channels underneath. Length of the product is 2400 mm. The plastic parts have notches to allow easy stacking when the carrier is not in use.
Main advantages of this new logistical concept:
- Five times safer compared to wooden chocks (according to Tata Steel’s experience)
- Saves one tree per ship per trip
- Loading and unloading in less time
- Less damage to the coils
- Less workers needed onboard during loading
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