KLP® Coilcarrier
Need carriers to transport coils with horizontal axis?
KLP® heavy duty coil carriers are safe & reusable.
Coil Carrier
Reusable heavy duty carriers for safe and protected transport of your coils
The KLP® 4-way Coil Carrier was developed as a reusable carrier for transport of coils with a horizontal axis. It was designed in such a way that a forklift truck may enter from four directions.
The maximum dynamic capacity is 10 tons and coil diameters range from 1000 up to 1800 mm. Depending on the coil width and coil weight the carrier is constructed with two or three bars.
Lankhorst Mouldings can also design tailor made pallets for specific applications. Using existing or new moulds and steel reinforced beams we can create sustainable solutions.
More information:
Download flyer KLP® Coilcarriers & Slitcoilcarriers